Sun n' Fun 2009 page 2

We spent about an hour killing some time at Perry/Foley, as we knew that the airspace around Lakeland airport would be closed until about 6pm for the daily airshow.  We went ahead and took off, headed south for the final 1.5 hour trip down to Lakeland and arrived right over Lake Parker just as they re-opened the airport for arrivals. We were sequenced right in to the Lakeland airport and got in line behind a Cessna 172.  We landed and headed over to the North vendor area where Bob Barrows and Keith Vassey greeted us and helped us push the Bearhawk the final 500 feet or so to the booth.

After getting it all tied down and secured, we unloaded all of the baggage in preparation for transferring most of it to our rental car:

Bob and Keith got a chance to take a look at the Mudbug and I got to show it off to them:

Here is the Avipro booth with N57EN proudly displayed at it for Sun n' Fun 2009.  This is a dream come true for me - what an honor:

For the next few days, Cole, Michelle and I spent a lot of time looking at all of the displays, airplanes, vendors and other neat stuff at Sun n' Fun.  Here is Cole checking out a real redneck amphibious aircraft:

It's basically a fishing boat with wings attached.

Here is the cockpit of the same boat/plane:

Gotta love it!

Here was a really nice Super cub displayed.  Cub Crafters had a nice display with some great videos showing the capabilities of their Cubs:

Cole got to meet one of the great airshow pilots of our time, Patty Wagstaff and get her autograph on his hat:

Funny thing was she signed the cap with her name inverted.

Click here to go to Sun n' Fun 2009 page 3